Thursday, November 13, 2008
Free Troy Davis!!!
This is a message from Troy Anthony Davis
November 2008
I want to thank all of you for your efforts and dedication to Human Rights and Human Kindness, in the past year I have experienced such emotion, joy, sadness and never ending faith. It is because of all of you that I am alive today, as I look at my sister Martina I am marveled by the love she has for me and of course I worry about her and her health, but as she tells me she is the eldest and she will not back down from this fight to save my life and prove to the world that I am innocent of this terrible crime.
As I look at my mail from across the globe, from places I have never ever dreamed I would know about and people speaking languages and expressing cultures and religions I could only hope to one day see first hand. I am humbled by the emotion that fills my heart with overwhelming, overflowing Joy. I can't even explain the insurgence of emotion I feel when I try to express the strength I draw from you all, it compounds my faith and it shows me yet again that this is not a case about the death penalty, this is not a case about Troy Davis, this is a case about Justice and the Human Spirit to see Justice prevail.
I cannot answer all of your letters but I do read them all, I cannot see you all but I can imagine your faces, I cannot hear you speak but your letters take me to the far reaches of the world, I cannot touch you physically but I feel your warmth everyday I exist.
So Thank you and remember I am in a place where execution can only destroy your physical form but because of my faith in God, my family and all of you I have been spiritually free for some time and no matter what happens in the days, weeks to come, this Movement to end the death penalty, to seek true justice, to expose a system that fails to protect the innocent must be accelerated. There are so many more Troy Davis'. This fight to end the death penalty is not won or lost through me but through our strength to move forward and save every innocent person in captivity around the globe.
I want you to know that the trauma placed on me and my family as I have now faced execution and the death chamber 3 times is more punishment than most can bare; yet as I face this state santioned terror, I realize one constant, my faith is unwavering, the love of my family and friends is massive and the fight for justice and against injustice by activists world-wide has ignited a fire that is raging for Human Rights and Human Dignity. You inspire me, you honor me and as I pray for strength and guidance for my family and loved ones, for the victims family and loved ones, I share with you this struggle, I share with you our triumps, knowing that you add to my strength, my courage and because of that, I share with you my life.
We must Dismantle this Unjust system city by city, state by state and country by country.
I can't wait to Stand with you, no matter if that is in physical or spiritual form, I will one day be announcing,
Never Stop Fighting for Justice and We will Win!
This is the 3rd time that Troy has faced execution! Please speak up! Let's not let him go back for a 4th time! Tell everyone you know about Troy Davis and ask them to speak up! We can not stand by idly while an innocent man is put to death! A decision is expected no later than November 24, 2008.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Dear Mark A. Gregg,
My name is Jodi. I have read your letter with earnest thought and as a white single female I feel that it is very necessary for me to respond to your letter.
"Dear Mr.Obama,
It is August 30, 2008. My name is Mark Gregg. I am a 50 something conservative white male. I have followed your campaign closely, including the speeches you and others made at the democratic national convention. I am respectfully providing you with seven simple (probably shallow) reasons why I could never vote for you. I believe my opinion is shared by many people. While there may not be quite enough to prevent you from becoming president of this nation, I do think there is an awakening to the fact that you are not a (the) messiah that the media and liberal Hollywood entertainers are trying to portray you."
Mr Gregg, in the very first paragraph of your letter you have already pointed out that you are of a different race, party, and religion. None of which are suppose to determine the qualifications of a president.
I don't care if a person qualified for the presidency were black, white, latino, asian, or any other race. I do not care if you are white Mr Gregg, why do you set yourself apart as a white man? Sounds racist to me. Why do you proclaim your political party other than to note that it is of difference? Don't we all want the same things at the very core of ourselves; which is the pursuit of life, love, and happiness? And to reference Mr. Obama as a(the) "messiah" is ridiculous. You're a Christian, you should know that there is no other Messiah as your religion proclaims.
"1. I hear your mantra of change, change, change. Yet, you picked a long term, liberal, Washington insider (Joe Biden) to be your running mate. This is NOT change. It is a move that hypocritically refutes the very thing you supposedly stand for. Your campaign then slammed McCain for picking Sarah Palin, apparently, because she is NOT a Washington insider. She is a maverick who cleaned-up Alaska's quagmire of political scandals.
Which way is it, Barack? Is it okay for you to pick a Washington insider under the mantra of change, but not okay for John McCain to pick a smart, aggressive, reformer?"
The definition of Maverick... for those of you who don't know what it is:
"A lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates"
It has been PROVEN that Sarah Palin had the boss of her sister's ex-husband fired because he refused to fire the ex husband. After the investigation a reporter asked her about the allegations of said abuse of power and her response? "I was glad to be cleared of any wrong doing." Are you kidding me Mr. Gregg? Do some research outside of what your neo-con friends are spewing at you.
It's not hard and only takes some time!
It has been proven that Palin has exploited her power as Governor as Alaska so that her children would travel for free (and unexpectedly) to different events on the tax payers dollar.
Yes, Sarah Palin sounds like a MAVERICK to me!!
While I may seem a bit of a "Maverick" myself when it comes to animal rights, offering $147 for the severed leg of a wolf is sickening. Trying to legally refute the listing of Beluga whales on the endangered species list is just as bad. Mrs.
Palin, there are only 400 Beluga whales alive, how endangered does a species have to be before they are considered endanger?
Sarah's Palin's experience in foreign policy is "You betcha! I can see Russia from this island in Alaska". She proclaims that she has worked with Russia in trade agreements, but ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION states are not able to enter trade agreements with foreign countries. Has Ms. Palin not taken an introductory political science class? And if you believe her.... have not you???
"2. You have the single most liberal voting record in the senate. This indicates to me and others like me that you may very well be an angry black man seeking to punish our country for sins of a different generation. I am not racist. I have some biases just like you and every other human alive. Unlike the democratic party who claims to be for the minority (but their record heavily refutes this), I will give any person who truly needs help, help. I married a minority girl 35 years ago (she is Hispanic) and have seen the evils of prejudice first hand. However, I have also seen my wife and my children and others in her family throw off the veil of self imposed prejudicial bondage and move ahead. They love our country and do not view themselves any different than I view myself as a citizen of this country. Your lovely wife so disappointed people like me during this campaign when she stated it was the first time she had ever been proud of this country. She apparently never noticed the massive aid we give dozens of other countries. She apparently never noticed the sacrifice of literally millions of veterans who helped make this country a free nation and helped liberate other nations from brutal dictators such as Adolf Hitler. She apparently does not remember that she attended ivy league universities with scholarship money that ultimately (at least some of it) was paid for by our taxes. This troubles me more than you know. She is an angry black woman who appears to not like her country very much. I don't want her representing me to the rest of the world."
Mr. Gregg, your gratuitous reference to race is sickening, and trying to use the fact that your wife is Hispanic shows an even deeper underlying prospect that you still view humanity according to race and creed than by merit.
Shame on you!
"3. You claim Christianity but apparently do not realize that the Bible teaches that he who does not work, does not eat. The Bible does not say or even suggest that he who CANNOT work, should not eat. Yet, your liberal policies reward people who are capable of working, but choose to not do so. This bothers me. I know that if you are elected our taxes will spiral upwards. You should heed the words of Winston Churchill: We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. If I like anything about you, it is your campaign promise to balance the federal budget.
Your above statement is convoluted and is a mere play on words you obviously cannot decipher for yourself.... let me show you why... you say....
"the Bible teaches that he who does not work, does not eat. The Bible does not say or even suggest that he who CANNOT work, should not eat."
Since when or where did you get the impression that Obama's policies would forbid those that CANNOT work to eat?
"Yet, your liberal policies reward people who are capable of working, but choose to not do so. This bothers me."
Mr Gregg, since when did the Constitution require someone to follow your laws and indoctrination of Christianity? And since you are one to claim Christianity, who are you to judge who is and is not capable of working? Since when have you become a medical doctor?
"Unfortunately, we have heard this a huge number of times from a number of different politicians and we realize that when you energize the very liberal Nancy Pelosi, Robert Byrd, Ted Kennedy, etc, etc, and the many other democrats like them, a balanced budget will never, ever happen on your watch."
Speaking of liberal Democrats, under the Clinton administration, The US was privy to a balanced budget, something we have not seen in the previous 8 years.
Now, don't go pulling the Oval office blow job story on me, NO ONE DIED WHEN CLINTON LIED. 4,189 men and women have died in search of your neo-con lies about weapons of mass destruction theory. Let me know when they come across those. Until then don't make my best friend say "so long" to her husband when he leaves for his 5th tour overseas.
"4. During your question and answer session with Rick Warren of Saddleback Church your answer concerning the question of where does life begin, stunned me ....Above your pay grade? Does this mean when something bad happens as President of this nation that you are going to look at your salary to determine if you can respond? I am sorry, but this was the most serious gaffe I have seen you make. Frankly, it shows me that you are pandering in the most obvious manner. You will choose your words not from your heart, but from an agenda that I believe is still hidden from the American people."
How many times must I stress that religion is not an issue when it comes to the qualifications of a president? MOST of the founding fathers WERE NOT CHRISTIAN! Wake up people! There is a reason why there is an Article calling for the separation of church and state!
"5. If anything stands out about you it is probably your appeasement mentality. In this era of rampant, radical Islamic extremism and with the latest stunt pulled by the re-energized Russian government, I am not sure appeasement is healthy. I again revert to the words of Winston Churchill ;An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
OH MY GODS!!!! Are you for real? The vast majority of politicians are appeasers, as was the beloved Winston Churchill. Those words may seem profound, but they still appease people. Barack Obama is a Christian. He would be sworn in on the Christian Bible. But again, Separation of Church and State. He should be sworn in on the Constitution.
"6. You and your party tacitly believe that a 13 or 14 year old girl must have the parents approval to have the school nurse provide them with a Tylenol when they have a headache at school. Yet, this same girl can become pregnant and the school can skirt her off to a clinic and abort the child in her body without the parents knowing or being notified. This scares the hell out of me. You have two little girls. Would you be upset if this happened to them and you were not informed? Then why do you stand for this? It makes no sense to me."
If the religious right had not blocked the proper sexual education, the children of this country might not seek sexual gratification as means to rebel against their society. You quote your God, but didn't your God also say that it was IMMORAL to have sex before MARRIAGE? Mrs. Palin, I do believe your daughter is going to hell.
"7. My seventh and final point (for now) is your supporters. I have watched the Hollywood entertainers that support you, systematically embrace Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and others like him. I see the continuous smut and garbage produced by Hollywood , the very people who promote you the most vigorously. It is not a positive point to me and others like me to see these over-paid, bizarre, poor examples of human existence fawn over you and push you and your liberal agenda as hard as they do. The way I see it; When the devil is for you, we should question whether or not we should be against you.
In closing, I just want you to know that you scare me. I cannot vote for you. It is not because of your skin color. It is because these items I've listed and many, many others like them. Do not claim that my dislike for you is race based. It is because I do not feel you have the best interests of this nation at heart.
Mark A.
Gregg "
Mr Gregg, I'm glad that you have finally stopped your constant whining of race and religion. You have gone as far as to battle against those who stand on your own religious ground. Imagine me, a Pagan standing up for a Christian man?!? when you yourself as a Christian have not the balls to do so. Truth is Mr. Gregg, you yourself are smut and you propagate hate, deception, and lies. What is even sadder is that there are those who will read this ridiculous letter and find merit in it because they are too lazy to look up the facts for themselves. They in turn will repost this nonsense as if it were the gospel itself.
I think I might even go as far as to say that Mr. Gregg doesn't exist, he is just another piece of conservative propaganda. It's easy to pass this kind of crap along when you are hiding behind the screens of the internet, but folks, do me a favor....
Before you cast your ballot on Tuesday, look up FACTS. Look at the actual texts of the tax plans, look at voting records, and DO NOT trust the main stream media... it's been proven that they are just as evil as your so called Devil. Look at actual legislation and visit the Congress' website to get voting records. Vote for your candidate because you believe in what they stand for. Remember what our Constitution stands for.
Remember that at the very core of every being, we all desire the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness REGARDLESS of sex, color, creed, or religion, and the Constitution guarantee's us that!
Jodi Criser
P.S. Mr. Gregg, during the first paragraph you said that your reasons may be shallow.... well, you were right about that one!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I'm a bad, BAD girl *queue evil grin*
I know that I use to have at least one or two people who would check in on my blog, so I hope you haven't given up on me in the last month. I promise, I'm still around!! I just have found myself in a bit of a rut. What?!?!? The Jod-I... in a RUT?!?! What has this world come to?
Hell if I know to tell the truth. Maybe it's the oncoming winter. Life has been going rather well.
My promotion is going good... I'm still learning. I guess I always will be. I try my best to do what I think is in the best interests for the operators, leads, and supervisors. I've faced a lot of criticism recently, based mostly on my religion... this really surprised me. It's never been an issue that I was pagan, but recently some of the operators on the floor decided to have a discourse on religion and mine has been in the line of fire. It makes me extremely sad to see this going on. I am the last person to ever judge someone based on their personal beliefs. I mean, I am the freak according to standard guidelines, I know what it's like to be judged before someone gets to know you. I am the first person who would stand beside someone to help them fight for equality! It truly fucking sucks and all I can do at this moment is hope that people get the fuck over it.
Grama Betty just got home from having her cancer surgery. We did find out that she will not die due to Carcinoid. This is an extreme relief for me! Grama Betty is my sunshine.. my only sunshine *queue song* She makes me happy, when skies are grey...
I guess the last topic of new information is that Jim and I will be tying the knot. Uh huh that's right! I'm going to be changing my last name! Even crazier to consider is that I'm the one that proposed! What is this world coming too!!! lol.. what can I say? I love him! As of now, we are hoping to have the Handfasting on June 13th. We just need the deposit for the area that we want to have the ritual at.
Ok, well it's getting a bit late. I've just finished listening to The Angry Hippie's Podcast so it's time for me to go to bed. Work comes earlier and earlier each day.
So for those of you who read this, thank you for not giving up on me. Yes, I haven't posted in over a month, but life has a way of happening. I hope your life is finding you well! Blessed Be!
Do you do any holiday shopping online??
If you sign up for CARI (Citizens Animal Rescue) you can help an organization that has save the lives of hundreds of animals! Those of you that know me even a smidgen will be familiar with the rescue that occurred at the beginning of spring, and CARI is the organization that let us borrow the Have a Heart traps and showed us how to use them when the county wanted to kill a colony of feral cats. CARI helped us save LIVES!!!!
Recently, I attended a job fair with my company looking for potential applicants, and the woman that helped us with the animal rescue was there. She told me that this was the first month that she wasn't able to pay her personal bills because of all the vet bills and the other costs of having the Rescue. This honestly breaks every portion of my heart. This woman has put every ounce of herself into the lives of numerous animals to ensure that they would live peacefully and free from the death grips of Animal Control. So please, when you go to do your online shopping this year, take a few extra seconds to sign up to help CARI too!

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Monday, October 27, 2008
Troy Davis- Are Innocent Men Still Being Executed By The State?

I do not know whether he is alive or has been executed. I'm pretty sure that I'm seeing there was a stay of execution placed by 11th Circuit Court on Friday, but the latest I heard on Friday was that the Supreme Court was not going to intervene. The time of execution was slated for 3 hours ago so I can only hope that the info on Amnesty International's page is correct and his case will be re-examined.
Troy has been on death row in GA for the past 17 years, his conviction was for the murder of a police officer Mark Allen MacPhail. During the trial no physical evidence was provided, no weapon has ever been found, and since the trial, 7 of the 9 witnesses have recanted their testimony, and many have provided sworn affidavits stating that they were pressured or coerced into providing their testimony. These affidavits are horrifying.
Witness Dorothy Farrell stated.... "I also felt like I had to cooperate with the officer because of my being on parole…I told the detective that Troy Davis was the shooter, even though the truth was that I didn’t see who shot the officer.” Ok,why was this witness even worried about the fact that she was on parole... that is unless the cops planned on or threatened to use that against her if she didn't do what they wanted??? Click the link above to read more from other "witnesses".
One of the two witnesses who has not recanted their testimony is Sylvester "Red" Coles – whom, according to the defense, is an alternative suspect and in which there is new evidence implicating him as the gunman. Nine individuals have signed affidavits implicating Sylvester Coles in the murder of MacPhail.
This story absolutely sickens me. Growing up, I had always been a supporter of the death penalty; however, over the last few years I've begun to reexamine my idea's, and after watching "The Life of David Gale", I've found myself more in opposition to the death penalty. The story of Troy Davis saddens me beyond this all. What happened to "BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT"? Troy was never afforded this bullshit slogan; Which is truly sad. For we ourselves, in the United States, are no less barbaric than those we condemn in Saudi Arabia-- The only difference is Saudi Arabia murders their citizens in a public forum, and the United States does not.
The word HYPOCRITE comes to mind.
Check out Troy Davis' website by clicking here.
Please check out the Amnesty International website about Troy Davis and then click here to sign the petition to demand clemency for Troy.
Please, Please, PLEASE.... Take time to learn and to see what our government is doing to our people... to our brothers and sisters. This may seem like an inconsequential story to you, but if we let them get away with this... I guarantee you, someone you know and love will be next!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Michael Moore- Slacker Uprising
This is it. The time has arrived! At midnight tonight, you can be one of the first people ever to legally download, for FREE, a brand new, feature-length film. It's my new movie, "Slacker Uprising," and I'm giving it to you as a gift of thanks for coming to my films over the 20 years I've been a filmmaker.
It's also one of my contributions to help get out the vote November 4th. That's why I'm giving you my blanket permission to not only download it, but also to email it, burn it, and share it with anyone and everyone (in the U.S. and Canada only). I want you to use "Slacker Uprising" in any way you see fit to help with the election or to do the work that you do in your community. You can show my film in your local theater, your high school classroom, your college auditorium, your church, union hall or community center. You can have your friends and neighbors over to the house for a viewing. You can broadcast it on TV, on cable access, on regular channels or on the web. It's completely free -- I don't want to see a dime from this. And if you want, you can charge admission or ask for a donation if it's to raise money for a candidate, a voter drive, or for any non-profit or educational purpose.
In other words -- it's yours!
"Slacker Uprising" chronicles the 62-city tour I did leading up to the 2004 election. It is electrifying to see the tens of thousands of young people who were ready then for the uprising -- and who, this year, are actually making it happen. This is my concert film tribute to the young voters who are going to save this country from four more years of Republican rule.
There are a number of ways, beginning at midnight tonight, that you can download or stream "Slacker Uprising" thanks to our distributor, Brave New Films:
1) Blip. tv will provide standard resolution streaming, free of commercials and advertising.
2) Amazon Video on Demand will provide a high quality version of the above stream.
3) iTunes will make it easy for you to download "Slacker Uprising" on your iTunes, iPod, or Apple TV, and view it there or transmit it to your television. This way, the film can be portable as well as for home viewing.
4) Hypernia is providing bandwidth, servers and management to host "Slacker Uprising" online, so you can download the film and view it at any time or burn it onto a DVD.
I am fortunate to have all these great people bringing you my movie for free. There will be no ads and they have all agreed to supply their services free of charge. All of them wanted to be part of this historic moment when the first major feature-length movie is being released for free on the internet.
(For those of you who don't download, there will be a low-cost DVD available.
This past Thursday we held the world premiere of "Slacker Uprising" in Ann Arbor (you can read about it here). The response was incredible and I want to encourage you to screen this movie with large groups. I believe it will inspire our get-out-the-vote efforts at a time when we need to get millions registered in the next two weeks.
Thanks again for all your support over the years. I hope you'll like my new film. It's all yours, anytime after midnight tonight.
Michael Moore
SlackerUprising. com
MichaelMoore. com
P.S. I'll be doing a live chat, tonight at 11:00 PM ET, on Daily Kos, in the hour countdown leading up to the internet release of my film.
Hope to see you online!
http://slackeruprising. com/
Go Sign Up Now!! Cause Jod-I said so!
Not much else going on here. Been busy with work and the weekends have been filled with some workshops and my friends, Jennifer Taylor and David Tarr got married yesterday. So yes, I've been amiss from here for a few weeks.
I honestly don't know what to write about as of now. The month of September is very unsettling for me. I usually hit bottom and become depressed. This year my son would've turned 7 years old this month. I know that I shouldn't, but I can't help but wonder what might have been.
But I am drawing on the positive aspects of life. Tomorrow is my Grama's Birthday and it's also my 1st Vegan anniversary! WOOO HOOO~ And for my fellow Pagans, may you have a Blessed Mabon today!
Oh yeah, just thought I'd share this pic with you. I found a tree yesterday at the wedding I absolutely fell in love with.... dangit, you can only see half the pic again so click on it and you can see the whole thing :-)

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Information Clearning House publisher Tom Feeley Threatened!
Information Clearing House Publisher Threatened
Mike Whitney – Fly by News August 6, 2008
My friend Tom Feeley is in Big trouble. He runs the web site which updates "news you won't find in the corporate media" every day. The site is strongly anti-war.
Tom has gotten his share of death threats over the years, but what happened this week is a lot more serious.
Two days ago, Tom's wife found three well dressed men in their kitchen. The man who did all the talking, told Tom's wife (I won't give her name) that Tom must "Stop what he is doing on the Internet, NOW!" As crazy as it sounds, he pulled back his lapel and showed her a gun of some kind which she could not identify. Like I said, Tom has been threatened before, but nothing like this. 4 years ago, he was in a parking lot at Long's Drug store in Southern California and when he tried to open his door to get out, a man in a car next to him opened his door at precisely the same time which prevented Tom from getting out. Then, a 40-ish year old man got out of the passenger side of the vehicle and approached Tom saying, "You need to stop what you are doing on the web".
Tom said the man was overweight and had his shirt untucked. Tom was taken aback, but (after collecting himself said) "What the fuck? Who do you think you are telling me what I can do?"
The man answered, "Tom, I'm just giving you some good advice. You should take my advice, Tom."
This is all I know about the incident. Since, then, there have been occassional death threats, but nothing like what happened on Sunday. Tom's wife is hysterical and has not returned to the house since the incident. She contacted the FBI but the FBI said their was nothing they could do. Tom and his wife separated recently after a 30 year marraige, so he is publishing from a different location.
The well-dressed man told Tom's wife that he knew where her son lived, what line of work he was in, and how many children he had.
Last night, Tom's son and a friend cruised the neighborhood where his mother lives to see if anything strange was going on. They came across two men in a car a half-block from their mother's home using their laptops at roughly 12:30 AM. When Tom's son and friend approached them, the car sped off. Tom, does not know whether this is connected to his situation, but it is definitely suspicious.
I talked to Tom this morning and he is getting by, but he's clearly upset. I do not know his plans, but I know he is ditching his cell phone and (I assume) will have to go underground as much as possible. He plans to keep publishing.
I'll tell you this about Tom Feeley; he is no bullshitter. He is the "real deal" and completely committed to exposing the mob that is presently running our country. He does not understand why, (as he says) "They are reaching down SO far to get someone who just runs web site". But, the truth is, they are. Someone wants him to "shut up" and they apparently have the muscle to do it. He knows he is in danger.
I will probably only hear from Tom infrequently from this point on. But I will update information as I get it. Tom, knows some of the best writers on the Internet---many of them speak out regularly and forcefully on issues of civil liberties and war. Anything they can do to draw attention to Tom's situation will greatly improve his chances of getting through this ordeal safely. Beyond that, I have no idea of what can be done to help.
Mike Whitney
OK folks, I encourage you to please pass this information along, speak out against the fascist bastards who are taking our freedom right from under our noses.
The information in the email above really does not surprise me. In fact, I know first hand that the government fears dissension! In the previous blog post I posted an excerpt of a blog I wrote back in 2004 after Dubya stole his 2nd term. After I had posted that blog, the government decided to enter my apartment and go through my personal belongings. I was over a friends home and came home to a scattered home. My college books, DVD's, everything thrown here and there. I had a program set up on my laptop to capture every keystroke made on my laptop, and indeed a copy of my hard drive had been made.
Right now I'm furious! Previously, I've asked "when will enough be enough?" Now I'm screaming it at the top of my lungs! God dammit people... Wake the fuck up! DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! QUIT LAYING ON YOUR LAZY ASSES AND TAKE BACK WHAT IS YOURS!
Tom, the fight is right. Your work is amazing! Thank you for the truth!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Rehashing the Past
"President Bush now believes he has a mandate to radically change tax laws, social security, and anything else he decides to tarnish. According to democratic ideals, political leaders answer to their consituents, and President Bush, as your constituent, I'm giving you a little "mandate" of my own....
The fate of America now rests in your hands. When you retire from office in four years, leave this country in the same condition you found it in (I'm not optimistic enough to believe that such drastic changes can be made so that somehow things could be better than when you entered office in 2000)....
Protect the troops you have put in harms way. Prove that you are the great commander-in-chief that they believe you to be. Give our soldiers the resources necessary to successfully carry out your democracy-spreading mission. When I say success, I don't mean the toppling of governments that do not meet your standards. Right now, success is taking the lives of civilian Iraqi's that can't walk the streets of their hometown without the fear of being attacked by terrorists, and liberating them from dictatorship. Freedom doesn't mean replacing a domestic threat with a new transoceanic absolutist ruler.
Remember that not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Each one of us has an "American Dream", but unfortunately some of us weren't born into it. Some of us have to fight through blood, sweat, and tears to find it. Create real tax cuts that help a single mom put food on the table instead of a check that buys her kid a Happy Meal. Do the rich really need to get richer?
Give our senior citizens real options. Don't take away my grandmothers meager assistance when she tries to get a part-time minimum wage job to pay for medicine that keeps her alive. Respect the seniors who have paved the way for you.
When you say "No Child Left Behind", mean it. Fund the legislation you promote. Make sure that the schools in the inner-cities have the same supplies that schools have in wealthy neighborhoods. The future leaders of America are depending on you.
Make your mark on history; Remember that you will be a legacy. What the history books say about you is for you to decide."
So let’s take a look at what has happened in the last 4 years since I have written this…
“Protecting the troops”…
Confirmed Deaths: 4146
Pending Confirmation: 3
That’s right, as I’m typing this there are 3 families that are waiting on the news that their mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, best friend has died. I have a friend who’s husband is in the military, and he’s recently completed his 5th tour in Iraq. My uncle recently returned from Iraq, and another friend said “See you later” to her grandson this week. He is now somewhere between here and war. I can’t imagine what’s it like to have a loved one as one of the ugly statstics noted above, and I fear for each and every one of them that one day they are one to add to that list. Our own troops have been raped, murdered, and brutalized by people who are suppose to be fighting on the same side. Families are being told that their daughter has committed suicide, even though there were acid burns on her genitals. LaVena Johnson’s story should not be untold, nor forgotten. Where was her protection?
How about living that “American Dream”? More families face foreclosure, lack of health care, higher food and gas prices than ever before. I make a decent wage in my job. I’m even lucky enough that I love the job that I perform, but there is still no way that I could afford to buy a home, let alone live the dream of owning some land to open a sanctuary for the other innocent beings that are being slaughted at the hands of corporate interests. Indeed, those born with the silver spoon are only concerned about themselves, and have left the rest of their fellow Americans behind; more so now than even 4 years ago.
My next topic on the blog, “giving our seniors real options”. Instead of my grandmother contemplating a part time job and the possibility of it affecting her Medicare, she now has been diagnosed with cancer. This is the brave woman whom I’ve watched lose her husband at the age of 49, who tried to be self sufficient because her husband had a small business and didn’t have a pension, who couldn’t afford insurance, who is now counting PENNIES to buy food, to pay for her cancer medications. This is not a real option. This is not my grandmother’s “golden years”!
“No Child Left Behind” is in the same state that it was 4 years ago. An art teacher must buy canvas and paint so their students can have the materials necessary for class. Shop teachers have to take money out of their pockets to pay for the supplies needed to teach students. That money could go to pay their insurance, their mortgage, or buy their family food. SAT scores are at an all time low. This means that students are entering the work force less competent than ever before. Children are being left behind at an astounding rate. What future does this give for tomorrow’s leaders?
When I wrote my old blog, I noted that I wasn’t optimistic enough that The United States would be on better ground now than we were back then. I was right….
I wish I had been proven wrong. President Bush, you wrote your legacy, now live with it!
BUT there is so much more to this, more than all the desperation and despair that so many people face now days. There is hope. I saw it in the face of a little girl, in the gleam of veterans eye. We cannot give up on that hope. We must push further, we must survive!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Oh how I've missed you!!!
So for the last two weeks I've been out of touch and now I'm having to download everything all over again, and get caught up on everything that I've missed.
Everything's been really busy here for me recently though. A week ago, I interviewed for a promotion at work, and hellz yeah!!! I got it!! So now, I'm directly under the Operations Manager and I get to work with all the operators in the center... I love it so far! I've got a few idea's going on in my head to try to help motivate everyone and I can't wait to put them together! Last Sunday night I worked my last night and my last weekend!!! I was quite surprised when I walked past the office that is now mine to see that some of my Operators had decorated with balloons, ribbons, and signs that they all made! It brought a tear to my eye! So I took a few pics and will post them so you can see my beautiful new office!!

They Love me, they really love me!!! As you can tell, the packing up and moving out and in processes are in full progress here, but I've finally got things settled in well... I'll update with finished pics later... You can't see all the pic but if you right click and view pic it'll show the entire pic... Ok, well I've got tons of work to do so I just thought I'd give a quick update since it'd been a while. Hope life finds you fantastic!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I've Witnessed My Death... Many Times!
The first dream that I had is that I was being put to death by the government. They let me free to go say good bye to my family and friends. I was at the park where I use to play high school tennis and I sat there thinking that it was sad that I was moving from this plane of existence, but I was excited to see what was coming up next. I reported as I was suppose to and had the needle inserted into my arm, and watched the poison go down into the IV. This is the end of the first dream.
The second dream involved me going to a party with a friend/co-worker. I didn't know anyone there so I just sort of watched what everyone was doing. Almost everyone was doing drugs and having sex all over the place. The next scene in my dream I'm playing this virtual reality game against this girl who pulls out a knife and slashes my throat. I hit my knees and then the ground watching the blood flow out around my head. I called for my boyfriend but he couldn't hear me. I kept telling myself to breath. Again, no fear about death. This is the end of the second dream.
The third dream involves me being with some people, none of whom I know personally, but were suppose to be friends I suppose. We were suppose to go somewhere but they told me we needed to make a detour. So a few of us went into this dark house to retrieve something (I don't remember what this was) but I was in the bedroom alone and someone came charging into the bedroom. They were wearing a mask so I couldn't see who it was (it kind of reminded me of the mask in V for Vendetta and a clown face). They started shooting at me and I hit the bed. They walked up to me and started firing rounds into the top of my head. I could feel the electric surges from my brain flowing around my head and down my neck, and I could feel my body jerking as a reaction to this. Again I kept telling myself to breath. This is the end of the last dream.
It struck me as odd that in every single one of these dreams, death was not something I feared, and instead I was excited to see what would happen next. Recently someone gave me this interpretation and I think it is "dead" on! No pun intended :-) :
Dissolution of the ego is the message here. You aren 't being killed in the dreams to show you what will happen in physical reality, obviously. If that were true, the method of death would always be the same. But you are not in fact seeing your physical death. The dreams are using the metaphor of death to suggest that you've been through the dissolution of ego. That would explain the happiness you are feeling right now in your life, too, by the way.
Dissolution of the ego means you have come to a point where you no longer seem to have a need to push for your own way. You are no longer a slave to your own desires. You feel freed from the push to satisfy some hungry inner monster. The symbol of death is used to suggest that a part of your life is gone and won't be coming back. You get to watch it in all these dreams, don't you? In other words, the dream is saying, "You saw this happening. You were a witness to it. Now don't forget that it happened and what you accomplished."
No fear is an outgrowth of the successful dissolution of the ego, so showing no fear in the dreams is your 'proof' if you must have some. That's what death dreams are all about. Interesting that you were killed by lethal injection, throat slashed, and bullets to the head. Look at the places along the Chakric column which parallel those locations. Arms -- ruled by Gemini and Mercury -- Throat, obviously the throat chakra, which is also ruled by Mercury and involves the will, persuasiveness, and communication skills -- Head which involves the Third Eye and Crown chakras, the Head is ruled by Aries, the Sign of personal self-esteem and the beginning of the Zodiac. So new beginnings and finding a new definition of Self are highlighted by that one.
There is a lot about your method of presenting yourself that has changed, I'll bet. A lot of your self-expression is different. Things you do and say have changed to bring on this new happiness in your life. That is precipitated, most likely, by a change of mind and perspective. The dream was showing you that by allowing you to see electricity and light all around the head and flowing down into the body. Your changes in perspective and perception have created all the rest of the positive changes in your life, so now you have 'died' in a sense and been re-born. The real correct understanding of Jesus' idea 'to be born again'. Jesus was a Trickster. Nobody 'gets' his message until they have already experienced it. To me, that's why it's useless. I don't want to be told AFTER the fact what I went through already. I want a manual to help me BEFORE I have to endure it all! The Bible just isn't that book!
Anyway.... your dream is about spiritual transformation and to some extent emotional maturity. Leaving fear behind and facing death without angst is a common symbol in traditional literatures which means that you've overcome that part of yourself that was too attached to an 'identity' you had going in your head. Once you leave that label behind and break out of the mould, realising that you can re-invent yourself any which way you want, you experience a kind of resurrection. Which your dreams did not show you, but the death symbol was enough to clarify what happened, so perhaps the dreams did not need to show you that.
Hope this helps,
(name omitted for privacy)
I've been thinking a lot about this interpretation. It's given me a lot to ponder. It is very true that in the last year I have changed exponentially! I'm a completely different person, and all for the better. I feel more in touch with nature and the world around me. Anyways, I thought this was quite interesting and I thought I would share!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
All in All, A Good Day

The location of the family reunion was on a stretch of country road, at a park beside a couple of cemetery's and an old church that had been converted into a kitchen and meeting hall type building. Jim's family isn't much for smoking so we snuck behind the church to have our nicotine fix cured and spotted what looked to be a sign that had been hidden from view, turned around so that it would not be seen. I decided to take a look to see what wondrous thing might be hidden from public view and this is what I found....
On the back of the sign was a website address written. We checkout the website for any information that could be had. Come to find out, it's a local artist as such that Cumberland could only hope to inspire for! His work is absolutely amazing and ranks up there with any art that can be found at a Contemporary Art Museum.... it reminded me of the day that I was wondering around Mass MoCa, the largest contemporary art gallery in America! We called the artist to let him know that we had found one of his pieces. Come to find out, he had made this amazing sign for his fathers grave, which is located in the cemetery beside the old church. Someone obviously was offended and decided that it was not proper for a graveyard. Bill Dunlap happens to live in Cumberland and is also a fellow Vegan!!! I highly recommend you check out his website to take a look at his amazing works of art. Go here to check it out! It really does make you think... which is something we could all use!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
What The Bleep Do We Know?
I wanted to pass this video along to blog viewers as well because this movie is very powerful and thought provoking. I can say that it honestly changed my life! This is the movie that got the ball rolling for me. I seriously questioned "Why do I end up in shitty relationships?" "Why do my partners end up being triffling son of a bitches?" "Why is everything always the same?", "What can I do to change this?"
Let me ask that again, "What can I do to change my life into what I want it to be?" I finally had answers!!! Now, this isn't some "The Secret" bullshit I'm talking about here... yes, it is kind of similar, but what The Secret lacks is the scientific proof of how it works, and an awesome story line!
So without further adieu.....
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breath free..."
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This slogan welcomes the ideology that we in the United States of America are somehow powerhouses of the world, the Super Power of the World!!! But this woman was left to die on the cold linoleum in her "pursuit of happiness".
What exactly have we come to? What is this "pursuit of happiness"? Is it one in which we are all able to live a so called American Dream? Or is it more than that... is the American dream something only attainable by those who control it?
What sealed this poor woman's fate? Was it a lack of insurance? Race? Or just pure selfishness? Why is there a woman who sits on her big fat ass through the entire video and does absolutely nothing? Why is it now 11 days plus, and there is no decision as to what happened physiologically to this woman that brought her to her death, other than the total lack of care from those who are suppose to keep us healthy?
I could really go on and on about this, but I think there is a simple quote that defines this situation perfectly....
"There is something horribly wrong with this country."
How much will we take? When will enough be enough?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Mid-Summer Mountain Triune Faire

ShadowDancer, I took your picture to use for this because I don't have a camera other than the one on my Blackberry and it just wasn't giving me a picture that would show this boards true beauty!
I also made a youtube video. It's just a compilation of video's shot from my phone from around Abrams Creek. Take a look at it:
Jim and I also had an information table set up about Animal Rights, and we tried to do some outreach at the event. A few people decided to come take a look and the children loved the stickers. We had a few interesting conversations, and I was able to explain some of the evils of PETA to a vegan, whom was utterly shocked~
All in all, it was a fantastic weekend. I got some much needed rest and relaxation, and was able to connect with nature again without having to worry about the everyday hustle and bustle.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Feral Cats and TNR
I found this video while surfing youtube tonight. This is a topic that is very near and dear to my heart- Feral Cats. At my workplace we had a colony of feral cats that were being looked after by numerous employee's and other concerned citizens that lived in the area. Other numerous businesses in the area helped feed and look after the colony of about 16 that lived in the area. We had watched several cats grow from babies into adults, and worried about them through the winter, most of whom made it through and as the spring returned, we were happy to see many of our loved ones back out and about.
A business that was two buildings down changed hands, and the new owner started complaining about the numerous cats running about. She decided to try to trap these magnificent beings and take them to the pound. She was quite unsuccessful, and her impatience grew- claiming that these cats were a nuisance to her customers. She then contacted the County Administrator and animal control. An order was issued to trap this colony. A concerned person contacted animal control and inquired about their policy on feral cats. Indeed, the policy was to "exterminate" said cats, in other words MURDER healthy innocent lives, who's only crime was trying to live a life after their "loved one's" or so called guardians had dropped them off, and were left to fend for themselves.
Several people banded together and we mounted a mission to rescue these cats from their certain deaths. We were lucky enough to have an animal rescue group that brought up numerous Have A Heart traps to aid us in getting these cats to safety. Over the weekend, this new business owners saw our traps and started causing another rash of bullshit to the county. I was then contacted by the City Police who given the task of "mediating" between the rescue group and animal control. We asked that we would be given the opportunity to try a TNR program, which stands for "Trap, Neuter, and Release", but this request was denied. I was then threated that if we were caught trying to feed or capture any of the ferals we would prosecuted for Trespassing on private property and for "stealing county property". The county now looked at these cats as if they were their property since an order for trap and execution had been put in place. This is an egregious misuse of government power, and is a disgrace.
In the end, we ended up rescuing several cats, all of which went into labor and had babies within their first week of being rescued, and now we face the monumental task of finding them all loving homes where they will live their lives out in safety and love. I know these lives were saved from facing certain execution, and this is an example that there is no limit as to what a few people can do to make a difference to the lives of a number of individuals.
There are multiple reasons why I believe so strongly in TNR programs, and why killing healthy feral cats is completely immoral. Population control through murder will never work, it hasn't worked in all of the time that animal control has existed and their sick and torturous policies have been in place.
Number 1- Inherent moral wrong. To kill a healthy cat is morally unjust and no sentient being deserves to be executed for the simple reason of being left to survive on their own. What if we were promulgate policies to execute all children rendered to the state by parents who felt they were unable to care their child? This would cause an outrage! Why is it socially acceptable to kill a species that is unable to communicate with us, or is different from our own? This is blatant specieist and no different from any other form of discrimination.
2. Cats are territorial animals. A cohesive feral cat colony will hold their territory and keep it free from invasion. When a cat colony is eradicated by the method of trapping and murdering, their once held territory is now open. Cats from the surrounding area's will come into this now open territory, breeding will sharply increase as there isn't as much competition for territory and food. Within a few months, there will be a high population of feral cats in the said area. Female cats can have two liters of kittens within the first year of their lives, and 3 liters of cats each year there after. The "problem" therefore is not solved, but rather delayed, and will then lead to the trapping and killing of more cats, and the vicious cycle continues.
TNR programs work because once the ferals are trapped, they are then spayed or neutered, to keep the population of ferals from increasing at exponential rates. After a day of having been spayed or neutered, the cats are then returned to their home territory where they will hold their territory, and over time the population of cats will decrease as they age and die. It is important that TNR continues to be implemented as new cats find their way and acceptance into a colony so the rate of population does not increase. This only takes some time, patience, and love from one or two committed individuals, which isn't so very hard. A looked after colony can live to have full, happy, and healthy lives.
Studies have shown that in cities such as San Fransisco, CA and other counties in numerous other states that have adopted TNR policies instead of inhumane and unnecessary murder policies, the feral cat population steadily decreases by numerous percentages, and when No Kill policies are put into place, an almost overnight decrease in kill rate of 75%, and the eventual decrease of 92% in kill rates.
For more information on the No Kill Revolution please check out Nathan Winograd's book, Redemption: The Myth of Pet Overpopulation and the No Kill Revolution in America Nathan was also interviewed by Bob and Jenna Torres on Vegan Freak Radio, you can listen to the show Nathan's interview here. Please check these out!
The unnecessary murder of healthy feral cats is not necessary, and if the ferals that were rescued from my workplace would be able to communicate with humans, I'm sure they would agree that their lives are just as important as any other.
Friday, June 20, 2008
The People That Helped Me Along The Way....
First, Rob and Angie Bowen. Rob has a fantastic podcast The Angry Hippie and Angie has a wonderful Zine Dissension. They have paired up to found the monumental 1 Million Mad march which will take place on March 15th, 2009 at every State Capitol and in Washington DC. I'm very honored to be the coordinator of the march taking place in Charleston, WV!!! I'm so excited to finally jump back into my arena, the political platform. Thank you very much Rob and Angie for giving me this opportunity!
Click on the pics below to check out all their fantastic websites, and sign up to march with us in solidarity as we demand our voices back, and corporate interests eradicated:
The Angry Hippie's Podcast and Blog:
The 1 Million Mad March:
I also want to give mad love and props to some Vegan Freaks... Bob and Jenna Torres... I found their website and podcast Vegan Freak Radio while in the very beginning of my transition to veganism. This was a time that although I knew I was doing the right thing, I felt so alone. I was doing this all by myself... people would mock me, and offer me pizza with cheese, or tell me, "oh you could have this if you weren't going vegan." Jim hadn't decided to go vegan yet, and he would eat meat, but limit it around me so I wasn't staring at it every day. I felt at this point that No One understood me, and that everyone was looking down on me... Bob and Jenna helped me so much!!! After a couple of episodes, the fire was burning to brightly under my ass, that shit was on fire! I had more confidence and knew that I was doing the right thing, and everyone else could not bring me down! Thanks so much Bob and Jenna! Please check out their website as well. It is very informative, educational, and thought provoking! Click on the pic below to check them out as well!
I begged and begged my parents to let me switch to a Vegan lifestyle, but for some reason, it wasn't going to happen. While writing one of these papers, my parents found me crying over the images of a battered baby seal. I was told that I was "torturing" MYSELF (!?!?!?) and that this had to stop. Shortly after, we started going back to church where we were told animals were here for our survival, to be used as food, clothing, and other ends to human needs. Unfortunately over time I lost the compassion that was once so strong.
About two years ago I moved in with my current companion. He was renting a small house out on a huge farm. I loved being out in nature, and started to grow bonds to the farm animals that were around all of the time. My consciousness soon returned, and I realized that to fully live out my ethics I had to rid myself of any and all animal by-products.
Since then I have done tons of research and saw the horrors of what happens to these live, sentient beings as they are being tortured, raped, and murdered. It's a sight that is forever burned into my soul.
I will never forget the look of fear on a cows face as her throat was being sliced and she was left to bleed out. I will never forget the downed cow having a chain put around her body, and watching the tractor trailer take off so that the cow would be tied in place and her weak, broken body would come crashing down to the ground. I will always remember the baby male chicks as they were thrown into a grinder while they were alive, cut to pieces, feeling the blades tear up their bodies, because they were not profitable due to their gender. The list goes on and on. These are not occasional practices they happen everyday, thousands and thousands of times, all over the place. How could I truly call myself enlightened, but allow these horrendous things to continue to happen in my name and for my money? I couldn't and I won't. Never again will I be the agent of death.

It's Been A While...
I have a degree in Political Science, and use to voice quite loudly my dislike for the direction my country was headed in; a few things happened in my personal life, and I stepped back from the internet scene for a few years. I've been very lucky recently to meet new people, have started getting more involved once again, and am looking forward to getting my voice back out there. I'm feeling a little bit rusty so you'll have to excuse me as I pull out the tin can and get my mental gears all oiled up and running again.