Saturday, July 12, 2008

What The Bleep Do We Know?

I was so excited last night when I was tooling around the internet trying to find a link to the full movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know?" I had been discussing Buddhism with someone on Youtube and the subject of Quantum Mechanics came up. So of course, this being my favorite fucking movie ever, I suggested she watch it... I wanted the link to pass along so she wouldn't have to go searching for it.

I wanted to pass this video along to blog viewers as well because this movie is very powerful and thought provoking. I can say that it honestly changed my life! This is the movie that got the ball rolling for me. I seriously questioned "Why do I end up in shitty relationships?" "Why do my partners end up being triffling son of a bitches?" "Why is everything always the same?", "What can I do to change this?"

Let me ask that again, "What can I do to change my life into what I want it to be?" I finally had answers!!! Now, this isn't some "The Secret" bullshit I'm talking about here... yes, it is kind of similar, but what The Secret lacks is the scientific proof of how it works, and an awesome story line!

So without further adieu.....

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