The location of the family reunion was on a stretch of country road, at a park beside a couple of cemetery's and an old church that had been converted into a kitchen and meeting hall type building. Jim's family isn't much for smoking so we snuck behind the church to have our nicotine fix cured and spotted what looked to be a sign that had been hidden from view, turned around so that it would not be seen. I decided to take a look to see what wondrous thing might be hidden from public view and this is what I found....
On the back of the sign was a website address written. We checkout the website for any information that could be had. Come to find out, it's a local artist as such that Cumberland could only hope to inspire for! His work is absolutely amazing and ranks up there with any art that can be found at a Contemporary Art Museum.... it reminded me of the day that I was wondering around Mass MoCa, the largest contemporary art gallery in America! We called the artist to let him know that we had found one of his pieces. Come to find out, he had made this amazing sign for his fathers grave, which is located in the cemetery beside the old church. Someone obviously was offended and decided that it was not proper for a graveyard. Bill Dunlap happens to live in Cumberland and is also a fellow Vegan!!! I highly recommend you check out his website to take a look at his amazing works of art. Go here to check it out! It really does make you think... which is something we could all use!
The kittie's adorable! I'm so happy you guys found her and that she'll have a good home now.
Robert told me about the art you had found the other day and I was going to blog about it as well. I think it's horrible that someone took it upon themselves to decide what should and should not be placed on someone's grave. I don't care what they thought of the content, it's my opinion that they defiled this man's grave.
BTW, thank you so much for the compliment that his work reminds you of mine! He's amazing so I'm definitely flattered!
Ravenfire, your work is absolutely amazing. I was floored when I heard you'd been doing it only for a few years, it looks like this is a natural talent you've had forever!!! I love to sit and look at your pieces!
It is absolutely ridiculous that someone removed the sign. We had called Bill and let him know we found it and Jim was going to pick it up so it could be given back, but Bill told Jim he could get it and keep it since we appreciated it so much...
Sooo... today Jim goes back to retrieve the piece, and it's GONE! I really hope that Bill decided to pick it up and some asshat hasn't done something with it!
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