Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I've Witnessed My Death... Many Times!
The first dream that I had is that I was being put to death by the government. They let me free to go say good bye to my family and friends. I was at the park where I use to play high school tennis and I sat there thinking that it was sad that I was moving from this plane of existence, but I was excited to see what was coming up next. I reported as I was suppose to and had the needle inserted into my arm, and watched the poison go down into the IV. This is the end of the first dream.
The second dream involved me going to a party with a friend/co-worker. I didn't know anyone there so I just sort of watched what everyone was doing. Almost everyone was doing drugs and having sex all over the place. The next scene in my dream I'm playing this virtual reality game against this girl who pulls out a knife and slashes my throat. I hit my knees and then the ground watching the blood flow out around my head. I called for my boyfriend but he couldn't hear me. I kept telling myself to breath. Again, no fear about death. This is the end of the second dream.
The third dream involves me being with some people, none of whom I know personally, but were suppose to be friends I suppose. We were suppose to go somewhere but they told me we needed to make a detour. So a few of us went into this dark house to retrieve something (I don't remember what this was) but I was in the bedroom alone and someone came charging into the bedroom. They were wearing a mask so I couldn't see who it was (it kind of reminded me of the mask in V for Vendetta and a clown face). They started shooting at me and I hit the bed. They walked up to me and started firing rounds into the top of my head. I could feel the electric surges from my brain flowing around my head and down my neck, and I could feel my body jerking as a reaction to this. Again I kept telling myself to breath. This is the end of the last dream.
It struck me as odd that in every single one of these dreams, death was not something I feared, and instead I was excited to see what would happen next. Recently someone gave me this interpretation and I think it is "dead" on! No pun intended :-) :
Dissolution of the ego is the message here. You aren 't being killed in the dreams to show you what will happen in physical reality, obviously. If that were true, the method of death would always be the same. But you are not in fact seeing your physical death. The dreams are using the metaphor of death to suggest that you've been through the dissolution of ego. That would explain the happiness you are feeling right now in your life, too, by the way.
Dissolution of the ego means you have come to a point where you no longer seem to have a need to push for your own way. You are no longer a slave to your own desires. You feel freed from the push to satisfy some hungry inner monster. The symbol of death is used to suggest that a part of your life is gone and won't be coming back. You get to watch it in all these dreams, don't you? In other words, the dream is saying, "You saw this happening. You were a witness to it. Now don't forget that it happened and what you accomplished."
No fear is an outgrowth of the successful dissolution of the ego, so showing no fear in the dreams is your 'proof' if you must have some. That's what death dreams are all about. Interesting that you were killed by lethal injection, throat slashed, and bullets to the head. Look at the places along the Chakric column which parallel those locations. Arms -- ruled by Gemini and Mercury -- Throat, obviously the throat chakra, which is also ruled by Mercury and involves the will, persuasiveness, and communication skills -- Head which involves the Third Eye and Crown chakras, the Head is ruled by Aries, the Sign of personal self-esteem and the beginning of the Zodiac. So new beginnings and finding a new definition of Self are highlighted by that one.
There is a lot about your method of presenting yourself that has changed, I'll bet. A lot of your self-expression is different. Things you do and say have changed to bring on this new happiness in your life. That is precipitated, most likely, by a change of mind and perspective. The dream was showing you that by allowing you to see electricity and light all around the head and flowing down into the body. Your changes in perspective and perception have created all the rest of the positive changes in your life, so now you have 'died' in a sense and been re-born. The real correct understanding of Jesus' idea 'to be born again'. Jesus was a Trickster. Nobody 'gets' his message until they have already experienced it. To me, that's why it's useless. I don't want to be told AFTER the fact what I went through already. I want a manual to help me BEFORE I have to endure it all! The Bible just isn't that book!
Anyway.... your dream is about spiritual transformation and to some extent emotional maturity. Leaving fear behind and facing death without angst is a common symbol in traditional literatures which means that you've overcome that part of yourself that was too attached to an 'identity' you had going in your head. Once you leave that label behind and break out of the mould, realising that you can re-invent yourself any which way you want, you experience a kind of resurrection. Which your dreams did not show you, but the death symbol was enough to clarify what happened, so perhaps the dreams did not need to show you that.
Hope this helps,
(name omitted for privacy)
I've been thinking a lot about this interpretation. It's given me a lot to ponder. It is very true that in the last year I have changed exponentially! I'm a completely different person, and all for the better. I feel more in touch with nature and the world around me. Anyways, I thought this was quite interesting and I thought I would share!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
All in All, A Good Day

The location of the family reunion was on a stretch of country road, at a park beside a couple of cemetery's and an old church that had been converted into a kitchen and meeting hall type building. Jim's family isn't much for smoking so we snuck behind the church to have our nicotine fix cured and spotted what looked to be a sign that had been hidden from view, turned around so that it would not be seen. I decided to take a look to see what wondrous thing might be hidden from public view and this is what I found....
On the back of the sign was a website address written. We checkout the website for any information that could be had. Come to find out, it's a local artist as such that Cumberland could only hope to inspire for! His work is absolutely amazing and ranks up there with any art that can be found at a Contemporary Art Museum.... it reminded me of the day that I was wondering around Mass MoCa, the largest contemporary art gallery in America! We called the artist to let him know that we had found one of his pieces. Come to find out, he had made this amazing sign for his fathers grave, which is located in the cemetery beside the old church. Someone obviously was offended and decided that it was not proper for a graveyard. Bill Dunlap happens to live in Cumberland and is also a fellow Vegan!!! I highly recommend you check out his website to take a look at his amazing works of art. Go here to check it out! It really does make you think... which is something we could all use!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
What The Bleep Do We Know?
I wanted to pass this video along to blog viewers as well because this movie is very powerful and thought provoking. I can say that it honestly changed my life! This is the movie that got the ball rolling for me. I seriously questioned "Why do I end up in shitty relationships?" "Why do my partners end up being triffling son of a bitches?" "Why is everything always the same?", "What can I do to change this?"
Let me ask that again, "What can I do to change my life into what I want it to be?" I finally had answers!!! Now, this isn't some "The Secret" bullshit I'm talking about here... yes, it is kind of similar, but what The Secret lacks is the scientific proof of how it works, and an awesome story line!
So without further adieu.....
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breath free..."
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This slogan welcomes the ideology that we in the United States of America are somehow powerhouses of the world, the Super Power of the World!!! But this woman was left to die on the cold linoleum in her "pursuit of happiness".
What exactly have we come to? What is this "pursuit of happiness"? Is it one in which we are all able to live a so called American Dream? Or is it more than that... is the American dream something only attainable by those who control it?
What sealed this poor woman's fate? Was it a lack of insurance? Race? Or just pure selfishness? Why is there a woman who sits on her big fat ass through the entire video and does absolutely nothing? Why is it now 11 days plus, and there is no decision as to what happened physiologically to this woman that brought her to her death, other than the total lack of care from those who are suppose to keep us healthy?
I could really go on and on about this, but I think there is a simple quote that defines this situation perfectly....
"There is something horribly wrong with this country."
How much will we take? When will enough be enough?